Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Medicare Changes Carriers

On September 1, 2008 many of the Medicare contracts across the country changed carriers. In some areas it went very smooth and most providers didn’t even notice, but in some areas it wasn’t quite as smooth of a transition. Our local Medicare Carrier, Upstate Medicare, was changed, but I have to say it was a fairly smooth transition. Although I think a lot of that is due to the fact that the new carrier NGS, is subcontracting many of the processes to the old carrier, HealthNow.

I happened to be submitting a Medicare application for a provider in Northern California right around September 1st though and the carrier for Northern California Medicare also changed. The problem that I had there is that no one seemed to know who the new carrier was, including CMS. After doing many web searches I was finally able to find a new phone number, but when ever I dialed it was busy. Several days of busy signals made me realize that I wasn’t going to get thru, so I went back to searching the web. Finally the new carrier was able to get the website updated to include the new address for provider enrollment.

In any case, if you have been suddenly having trouble with your Medicare carrier, it may just be that your carrier is no longer who you thought it was. By now most of them have worked the bugs out, but if not give it a few more days. Unfortunately dealing with these types of changes is all part of the game.

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